7 Deer Feeder Tips
If you hunt deer for food or sport, a feeder could improve your results. Try these feeder-related pointers to increase your chances of hunting success.
1. Select Easily Assembled Model
Because you don't want to create too much noise and spectacle putting up the feeder, it's best if you select a model that will allow you to hang it or set it up without too much hassle. Try assembling various items yourself on the show floor or at home before heading out to a grassy area. This will help you know which models are easiest to arrange and assist you in doing it a few times quickly before setting it out for animals.
2. Get an Automatic Feeder
For best results, get a feeder that will automatically dispense food. This means that the food supply in the well will keep refilling even if you can't be there physically. This helps deer to depend on the feeder and to return to it regularly. That will give you a better chance of catching them when you're ready.
3. Focus on Durability
Remember that some of the deer that will feed have antlers. Deer could butt the feeder and knock it over. Heavy winds and rain can also topple your feeder. Therefore, do your best to select a feeder with a low center of gravity which will be sturdy and durable as it remains in place.
4. Eliminate Scent
When you do set up the feeder, it's important to do so in a way that will not "spook" deer. Your human scent could cause deer to stay away from the area; if you have ever used bait or feeders before without good results, it's probably because your scent was present. Wear gloves to assemble the feeder and pour food. You may even want to purchase "anti-scent" sprays for yourself before heading out to the feeder and handling it.
5. Get Appropriate Food
The food you select for the feeder is important if you hope to attract deer. Shelled corn or premade pellet mixes seem to attract them most; try to avoid other foods unless you're only interested in experimentation.
6. Look for Pest Guards
While the food you select for the feeder will deter some animals, it's smart to remember that smaller animals could climb up to the feeding area and try to take the food. Therefore, look for feeders equipped with some kind of guard against smaller pests.
7. Attach Cameras
Deer feeders can be one part of a larger operation; mounting cameras can give you an idea of the best time to encounter deer in the area. You may want to mount a camera on the feeder itself that runs on a timer.
Your ability to hunt will be affected by the decisions you make about the deer feeder you buy. Talking with other hunters, retailers and feed suppliers will supply advice and deer-related tips to use. For more information, contact a company like Boss Buck.